I am who I am..
I am who I wanna be..
I am what I think I am..
I am no one that everyone think..
I am me!
It doesn't matter whoever they think I am..
I am who I am!
who I think I am is what matter most!
and when someone told you that you are something
it doesn't mean that you have to be one.
so, I'll live my life and I'll do it with my own way
I don't care of what others think
they matter nothing to me
Their thoughts wont take me anywhere
their wild thinking wont stop
but that wont stop me
I'll move on..
I'll keep going
I'll keep moving..
Moving towards my dreams
dreams that hang up high above the sky
beneath the bright and shiny stars
blinking with such happiness every night
and once I reached that dreams,
I'll prove them wrong!
I'll tell them who I am
I'll tell them out loud..
with pride and proud
with might and trust
with every hopes and lights
with every hard work and hardship
that I am who I am..
and if there is someone who wanna stop me,
that very person
was only me..
but then
I am what I am..
and I am me!
.............for eternity........
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